Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Khan

Chairman’s Message

Since its inception in 2007, CHEF has made a significant improvement in its three major areas of focus including inclusive education, inclusive health and cross disability.

However, CHEF has made tangible contribution with regard to the disaster management in district Charsada in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and in some parts of Sindh and Punjab, starting from rescue, relief and ending in long-term rehabilitation.

CHEF has rehabilitated/refurbished several inclusive schools and BHUs/RHCs in many districts across the country. Besides, CHEFF provided maximum support to reconstruct and refurbish houses as well. CHEF International’s cross disability institute namely Pakistan Institute of Rehab Sciences under the able leadership of Dr. Farrukh Seir in Islamabad has made excellent progress and churning out batches for CBR services in the communities across the country.

The House of Blessings Charsada has shown incremental improvement in scope, quantity, quality and sustainability. CHEF is aiming further to improve the scope and capacity of Pakistan Institute of Rehab Sciences by adding Master and M. Phil courses.

We have started to upgrade its Community Vision Centers to Community Vision, Hearing and Cataract Service Centers. It is expected that this upgradation will not only improve the scope of these service units, it will expand access and uptake of services also. CHEF has continued its rehab services in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with tangible results.

Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunhwa government, in collaboration with CHEF, seriously considering establishment of Provincial Rehab Science Institutes in the coming years. CHEF will continue its advocacy efforts with the governments of Baluchistan, Sindh, Azad Jammu & Kshmir, Gilgit & Balthistan and FATA for the establishment of rehab science institute. CHEF is committed to realign its current and future projects with the UN Global sustainable development agenda from 2016 to 2030. We are focused to make CHEF a torch-bearer for the cause of disability, rehab science investment, inclusive education and comprehensive disaster management.

CHEF International would like to thank federal and provincial governments, collaborating partners particularly Pakistan country offices of the WHO and UNESCO, CBM, Light for the World, SEVA Foundation, TOM and other donors and partners for their sustained and generous financial and technical support, which has come a long way in serving the people in need.

CHEF International is highly indebted to its worthy Board of Directors for their guidance in effective service delivery. CHEF staff also deserves appreciation for their devotion and commitment to the community services.